Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DIY: Friendship Bracelet Earphones

Hi Guys! :) I haven't had to update my blog for like a week? or more? I don't know. But congratulate me because I thought of something that could get rid of my boredom.:) Well, let's get back to business. I hosted a DIY last night which is making a Friendship Bracelet Earphones. I first found out this when I read Candy Mag. Yeah, I'm a fan :) You can check it here. Believe me it's way cooler than it is and yummy as well! ;)

Here are the things you'll be needing:

So, here are the steps (courtesy of http://www.candymag.com/ ) :

1) Choose what color of thread you want. Cut it to your desired length. Then, knot your thread in place.Thereafter, Cross your thread over the earphone cord to form a loop. It will form like the number  4. Slip your thread under the cord and through the loop. Pull thread upward to complete the knot.

2) Keep knotting and switching colors until the entire cord is covered.

I chose pastel colors for my earphones to make it look like a long candy that you can't resist to eat. :)

Already half way there! :)

Looks yummy, right? Hahaha :)

Tadaa! :) I'm done! Can't wait to use my earphone and show it to others. :) Try this and make your simple earphones into an eye-catching earphones. :)

Goodluck! :)

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